Income Taxin·come tax (noun)

Tax levied by a government directly on income, especially an annual tax on personal income.

We all have to pay them, even the president of the United States.  The key is to be aware of current tax laws so that you’re paying your fair share – no more, no less.  I receive the annual notifications of changes to state and federal tax laws, plus I receive more than 30 hours per year of continuing education so that I stay proactive instead of reactive when it comes to your finances.

As your Enrolled Agent, I will sit down with you to discuss every aspect of your business or personal accounting to make sure that you’re either paying what you’re supposed to pay or getting the full amount of the refund due to you.

Because I’m very thorough, I will also look at your previous years’ taxes, even if they were completed by another agent, to make sure that you won’t be surprised by any previous year’s filings.

Make an appointment today so we can get started right away.